Monday, June 17, 2013

Movie Mania with Me

The other day ago, I went to see a movie called Now You See Me which was awesome. I was on the ended of my seat the entire time. It was fast pace, magical, and an all around great movie. With this movie, you have to watch and listen to every detail. You have to see everything. You have to make yourself become that movie. I literally loved it and recommend you see the movie.

Enough about that. Lets talk about what you would wear if you were going on a movie date with a guy.

Movie Date with a Guy
1. Wear something extremely cute but something totally casual. You don't want to scare him away if you were this extremely overly dressed outfit. Wear something cute, yet casual. Don't let him know that you stayed up all night preparing an outfit.

Those outfits up there should give you some idea on what I mean when I say try hard but not too hard. The tip outfit is sexy but casual. The jeans make is casual but the shoes make is sexy. I NEED THOSE SHOES.

The next pictures is definitely for those of you that love pastel colors. This works for a movie date but cause it is extremely cute but practical enough to wear all say. I really like the shirt and the color of the jeans. I could do without the blazer that. Don't be afraid to wear a different pair of shoes. If you want, you can even loose the blazer and go for a nice cardigan.

If your movie theater is anything like mine, then you know it is freezing cold. No guy is worth freezing to death a cold movie theater. Make sure to wear clothes that also fit the weather in your movie theater. Don't wear a trench coat if it is hot in your theater.

I hope this helped!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Maxi Dress Success

There are only 3 ways to wear the most popular dress type, the Maxi dress. I'm going to tell you those three ways.

1. Wear it wit a jean jacket - I love my long sleeve cropped jean jacket. I will literally wear it with anything if I could. That is why I love the Maxi dress because you can wear it with the jean jacket for a more casual style. With this though, you have to keep it simple because it is casual. 
2. Wear it with a cardigan - This is perfect if you want more of a romantic style. Having a hot date today or tonight than definitely go for it. This looks best with sandals or heels, whichever one you think won't hurt your feet. Add some light colors like pink or even red for a more girly love vibe.

3. Wear it with a blazer - This is for those times when you want to look nice and formal but not overdressed. The blazer gives it that sophisticated and respectable look while the beautiful Maxi dress makes it seem more playful and fun. In result, you get this fabulous outfit that is great for weddings or a job interview.

And those are the red ways. I hope this blog gave you some ideas on how to dress you Maxi was for the summer. Good luck!

Makeover Madness - Avril Lavigne

This is where we will show celebs who have changed over the years. We will show some of the changes they made to themselves. Sometimes there will be before and after pics. Okay, so today I am showing you how Avril Lavigne has changed over the years.

Avril was always known as the Punk Princess in the beginning of her career so when she changed from that to a girly girl, many people were confused and asking her why she was being a hypocrite. Anyways, I think the new and old Avril looked fabulous however she was dressed.

This is 2003 when Avril was just starting out. Notice the brown hair and boyish clothes which looked good and had a unique rebellious vibe.

This is her two years later. You can see now she has blonde hair. Still wearing balck but a bit more classy.

Two more years later and Avril now has pink hair. She was getting a lot of attention for one of her songs Girlfriend around this time.

Look at her two more years later. She had a successful fashion line and now perfume. She was literally on tip of the world. Once you become extremely famous, you start changing you looks. Round this time, Avril experimented with different colors in her hair.

It is now 2011 and the girl is still going strong with a new single titled Smile. You can see a difference in her appearance than like it was when she was first starting out.

It is now 2013 and you can see a major difference in her. She is no longer wearing the jeans and a tie. She has moved on to heels and skirts. No more brown boring hair. Half her head is shaven and it is blonde!

In the beginning of her career she told everyone that she didn't want to be the bubble gum pretty pop princess. She was going to be who she was, a skater. Things changed and now Avril has her own unique style that doesn't involve ripped jeans. Either way, Avril is a fashion inspiration.

Fashion Icon of the Day


Kelly Clarkson is today's fashion icon. The reasons I love her style is that she always had and the laid back, punk rock vibe and style. Especially in the earlier stages of her career. Ripped jeans, black, and sneakers is what I thought of Kelly when she first came out. She does dress a little more elegant now.

Another thing at I like about Kelly is that she could pull off any hairstyle or hair color and make it work. I have to say she looks really good as a blonde though.

Another example of Kelly's love for black. She reminds me of another singer, Avril Lavigne who drastically change from punk chick to a more girly girl. I can a change like that in Kelly but Kelly hasn't gone full girly girl yet.

Boy Situation #78 - The Relationship that Never Happened

Okay so this girl like a boy named Henry. She really liked him and obsessed over him with her friends. The two were okay friends. They did occasionally talk to each other. Most of it was arguing but sometimes it got really romantic (in the girl's opinion). Anyways, it was a couple of months later when the girl couldn't stand it anymore. She wanted to tell Henry that she really liked him but she wasn't sure if he liked her back.

She was terrified that he would say no. If he said no, she would surely die (so she thought).

What would you do? Would have the courage to ask him out?

In the end, she never told him and the school year ended. They didn't get together that year but you never know. I might happened if she gets the courage to say something to him. Always remember, that of you truly like someone than you should go for it. It would be better for you to know he doesn't like you than to never know if he liked you.

How to Tell If a Boy Likes You

Boys are weird and complicated and I think it would be better for everyone if we lock them in cages and give them food every couple of hours. Add a plasma screen television and I swear they won't be able to tell the difference. 

Okay here are some signs that show a boy likes you. 
1. He spends a lot of his free time with you.
2. He jokes and laughs with you often.
3. He invites out with him and his friends.
4. If he tells you personal things (this happens when you have been friends with him for a long time).
5. If he is constantly touching you.
6. He sacrifices stuff for you (usually nothing too major).
7. When e remembers your birthday (most guys don't care)

Those are a couple of signs boys show whenever they like you. I hope this helped.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to Have Long Hair

I'm not saying that it will grow faster because I believe that healthy hair grows so fast already.

Okay, when I was younger, I use to put sand in my hair (I was and still am a weird child). Well, my hair broke off in the middle of my head. It was only a couple of centimeters long. Maybe like, one. Anyways, I remember this mainly because my hair grew back so fast. In just a month, it was almost the same length as the rest of my hair. My mom didn't put anything special on it, she just left it grow (after getting it treated).

Now, everyone harasses me about how do you get your hair so long? (FYI - I am African American. Just thought I should throw that out there.) People would wonder why my hair was so long. Honestly, I didn't have an answer. To me, it just grew. I realize that some of you might have hair that is damaged because of heat or something. Here are some tips that might help your hair get back on the right track.

1. Massaging you scalp daily helps.
2. Don't go playing in your hair with dirty hands. Germs or infections might spread from your hands to your scalp. 
3. A healthy scalp helps your hair to grow. Keep it moisturized and healthy.
4. Having a healthy lifestyle and diet helps.
5. Try not to put so much heat on your hair.
6. Don't use other people's combs or brushes. You don't know where those things have been. They could have been on the floor or in the mud for all you know.
7. Don't overly comb your hair.
8. Don't pull and tug on your hair. Tight ponytails and things like that is not helping.
9. Don't stress. Keeping stress levels down is very good for your hair.
10. There are many natural oils that can help your hair to grow like Rosemary.

I hope this helps!

Makeup - The Secret Truth

Personally, I don't wear makeup. I don't have nothing against it. I just don't wear any. I like how I look naturally. I don't have much acne either so it isn't like I'm some horrid looking acne freak. I look decent, to me anyways.

I'm going to tell you the truth about makeup. I'm exposing all of it's dirty secrets.

1. Makeup is needed, honestly, to coverup something (acne, usually) or for a big event. It isn't for you to wear to school everyday. If you do and you like, then that is okay and that is what you like. I'm not going to knock what you like. This is my personal opinion about makeup.

2. I feel that people wear makeup to make themselves look and feel prettier. It does make you feel prettier, until you wash it off. Then you are left with the face you won't let anyone see. Don't rely on makeup to make you prettier. Be pretty from the inside out.

3. It is okay to put a little mascara or eyeliner on. That is perfectly okay, but don't walk up in school looking like a drag queen. A little is better than a lot. Don't go overboard with the makeup when you are first wearing it. I have seen girls with dark faces and pale bodies. That tells you that they are wearing too much makeup and they are trying desperately to feel and look pretty.

I have much more to say about makeup and some of the secrets it keeps, but for now, I'm just giving you this. Hope you enjoy!

P.S the point of wearing makeup is to make it seem like you aren't wearing any on at all.

How to Get a Guy to Like You

We have all been there before. Boys are a huge mystery to us girls. We don't know whether they like us, like us or just as friends. I will definitely get more into that whole signs of a boy liking you, but for right now, I'm going to tell you never before heard tricks on how to get a guy to like you.

1. If I want a guy to like me, I don't put on a show because I know he is watching. I be myself. I act natural. You gotta let the guy see how you are when you are with your friends even if it might be embarrassing because sooner or later, once you start dating, he is going to find out the truth about your weirdness (if you are weird). Be natural whenever your crush is around. Don't try to be something you're not.

2. Guys look for in girls what girls look for in guys. I personally want a guy that is funny, charming, and sweet. So I know, that a guy out there is looking for the same qualities in a girl. Keep that in mind.

3. Be confident. I'm sure that no girl wants a guy that is insecure so why would a guy want that in a girl? It makes sense to be confident. If you are one those people (like me) who are not really confident, then build up your confidence. Every morning at my old elementary school, the principal would say, "you are all beautiful, you are intelligent, and you should say this to yourself everyday because it is true." Her speech really made me feel a bit better about myself. Be confident or build up your confidence.

4. If you have never had a boyfriend before (like me, again) then don't be ashamed of it. Don't be scared of finding a boyfriend. What's the rush? You really don't have to date when you're in high school or middle school. I have met kids who are dating in the 3rd grade. What??!! Seriously, take the time that you're not dating to figure out what your want and expect in a relationship. You don't need to start dating because everyone else is. Screw everyone else! This is you we are talking about. Not them. It is okay to have never dated many guys (or girls) like the other kids. That is the other kids not you. Besides, guys love girls that have never dated before. It makes them feel special or something. (Boys are weird. It is best to try and ignore them until you need something.)

5. You don't have to be popular or outgoing to get a guy. Just be you. I have seen ugly girls (no offense) who have had tons of boyfriends before. What is their secret? They are themselves. In the end, guys choose what is on the inside. For example, there is two candy bars in the store. One has a beautiful wrapper while the other has a plain wrapper with just the name of the candy. The candy behind the beautiful wrapper is disgusting and repulsive. The candy inside the ugly wrapper is delicious, the best ever. Guys might start off with the pretty wrapper candy but they always go back to the ugly wrapper candy. Whether you're ugly or not, be genuine. It is what is on the inside that counts.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

When Cyber Meets Bullying - Inspiring Story

I am personally into finding inspiring stories that inspire me to be a better me. We all have room to improve. One hot topic lately is on Cyber Bullying. It ruins the fun for the rest of us and for the kids getting bullied. It makes the Internet an unhappy place. So I went online to find an inspiring story about bullies. I came across this website:

It is about a boy that started this campaign to cheer up kids who have been bullied. It truly inspired why not blog
about it.

I want to raise awareness by telling you the definition (in my own words) of what a bully is. Most people think that a
bully is someone that harasses someone so much that they commit suicide. That is one definition but there is another.

A bully can be the person that doesn't say something when they see someone getting teased.

A bully can be someone saying one hurtful word to you. All it takes it one word, one malicious.

A bully can be the person on the Internet saying cruel and most likely untrue things about someone else.

A bully an be the person picking on someone because everyone else is doing.

What is your definition of a bully? Are you one?

Boy Situation #345 - A Boring Relationship

Boy Situation is where I put you in a situation with a boy. Then you think it over and think how you would react in this situation. I will then tell you what actually happened. These are real life stories. The names are fake but the situation is real.

You boyfriend, Jeffery, that you love dearly, has cheated on you. Not once, but twice. You find it out from him because he just happened to mention one day. This gets you to thinking. You try to remember one nice thing he has ever said to you but nothing comes up. You even recall the moment he said that the relationship is boring. You begin to wonder why you went out with him in the first place. Was it his eyes? Was it his charming nature? More likely, because wanted a boyfriend. You end things with him after much thinking. He doesn't seem that hurt and agrees that the relationship is boring and has been boring from the start,

A couple of weeks later, Jeffery post a comment on your Facebook wall. The comment mainly says how much he loves you and how much he couldn't think of any other girl besides you. This touches your heart and all of a sudden you want him back, but you can't trust him anymore. What should you do? Should you take him back? Should you leave him drowning in his own regret?

This is what happens. 

You take the boy back. His Facebook comment touched your heart and you can't imagine going another day without him. You forget everything bad he has done and go back to you and him because you love him. 

This is what I believe should have happened and why the girl took the boy back. 
Obviously, you would be crazy to take this boy back after everything he has done to you or you truly do love him. Most guys wouldn't confess their love for anything or anyone in public because of the fear of rejection (sad truth but it does happen).. It must mean that he only did it because he knew you would take him back and it would make him appear as the sensitive and sweet guy he wants you to believe. He could have really loved you. but the facts don't seem to add up. What should have happened, is that the girl rejects him on the Facebook. It could be private of for everyone to see. Then again, he could have done it because he is a sweet guy, but sweet guys don't cheat you and never say anything nice about you.

Okay, I hope this gave you some insight on the minds of boys. They are very complex but with technology growing daily we can to begin understanding the tricky minds of boys.

Fashion Icon of the Day

I picked Rita Ora for today's fashion icon. I love her for her daring clothes and stunning color choices. She isn't afraid to wear whatever whenever. She does the unthinkable but makes it look classy and beautiful. Whoever styles her had an eye for fashion makes Rita look amazing.

Here are some pics of her daring yet sophisticated fashion choices.

She always shoes that even naturally curly hair is still beautiful and looks gorgeous with anything. To everyone who has naturally curly hair and you hate it, consider yourself lucky because you have beautiful celebs representing how fashion ready your hair already is.

I also like how she keeps her hair natural. Everyone nowadays want straight hair. Why go through the trouble when you can just have natural hair. You have that hair for a reason. I like to believe that your natural hair was given to you because it looks best on you. Stop trying to change your already pretty self.

Although, some of her choices are not school appropriate. However, you could use her outfit idea and change it up to make it your own and school appropriate. That is what fashion is all about. Changing and rearranging until it is completely you.

Tell me who you think our next fashion icon should be. I would appreciate your thoughts and comments. Until next time.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

How To Get Whiter Teeth

This junk actually work. I was a bit surprised when I tried it myself. If you follow my steps, I promise that your teeth will be an acceptable white color.

What You Need
* lemon (a lime works too)
* baking soda
* a knife
* a plate
* a spoon
* a different toothbrush

What You Do
1. First off, you you gotta cut your lemon (or lime). 
2. Get your plate and pour a spoon full (don't go over board) of baking soda on the plate.
3. Next, squeeze some lemon juice on the baking soda. It will begin to get bubbly. That is just the fruit acid mixing with the baking soda. 
4. Get the toothbrush you don't use to brush your teeth everyday and get the mixture on your toothbrush. By the way, the mixture should be in a paste form.
5. Brush your teeth like you normally do.

The first day I tried this technique, I could already see more whiter teeth. My theory on why this works is because the acid of the fruit is basically eating away at the yellow and the baking soda prevents it from destroying your teeth. I think. That is just what I think on why it works so well.

1. Do not use this more than once a week. I can not stress that enough. If you use it more than once a week you could put your teeth at danger. They will get sensitive and fall out of your mouth. Don't use it more than once a week.

2. Don't use the same toothbrush that you use to brush your teeth with on a daily basis. Use a different one so the chemicals don't mix.

Tell me is it works or not. Tell me anything that might concern you in the comments. Ask me questions about it or anything else. Also, tell me you methods on how to get your teeth whiter, faster.

High School Survival Guide

Hello, Beautiful, I am Laurie and I'm here to help you survive high school or whatever grade your going to. I'll be giving you helpful tips and style tips too so you can look your best. In this survival guide, there will be also be experiences that I have had. From these experiences, I hope that you will not make the same mistakes that I made. Hopefully, you will survive middle school or high school with the guide while looking and dressing your best.