Sunday, June 2, 2013

How To Get Whiter Teeth

This junk actually work. I was a bit surprised when I tried it myself. If you follow my steps, I promise that your teeth will be an acceptable white color.

What You Need
* lemon (a lime works too)
* baking soda
* a knife
* a plate
* a spoon
* a different toothbrush

What You Do
1. First off, you you gotta cut your lemon (or lime). 
2. Get your plate and pour a spoon full (don't go over board) of baking soda on the plate.
3. Next, squeeze some lemon juice on the baking soda. It will begin to get bubbly. That is just the fruit acid mixing with the baking soda. 
4. Get the toothbrush you don't use to brush your teeth everyday and get the mixture on your toothbrush. By the way, the mixture should be in a paste form.
5. Brush your teeth like you normally do.

The first day I tried this technique, I could already see more whiter teeth. My theory on why this works is because the acid of the fruit is basically eating away at the yellow and the baking soda prevents it from destroying your teeth. I think. That is just what I think on why it works so well.

1. Do not use this more than once a week. I can not stress that enough. If you use it more than once a week you could put your teeth at danger. They will get sensitive and fall out of your mouth. Don't use it more than once a week.

2. Don't use the same toothbrush that you use to brush your teeth with on a daily basis. Use a different one so the chemicals don't mix.

Tell me is it works or not. Tell me anything that might concern you in the comments. Ask me questions about it or anything else. Also, tell me you methods on how to get your teeth whiter, faster.

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