You boyfriend, Jeffery, that you love dearly, has cheated on you. Not once, but twice. You find it out from him because he just happened to mention one day. This gets you to thinking. You try to remember one nice thing he has ever said to you but nothing comes up. You even recall the moment he said that the relationship is boring. You begin to wonder why you went out with him in the first place. Was it his eyes? Was it his charming nature? More likely, because wanted a boyfriend. You end things with him after much thinking. He doesn't seem that hurt and agrees that the relationship is boring and has been boring from the start,
A couple of weeks later, Jeffery post a comment on your Facebook wall. The comment mainly says how much he loves you and how much he couldn't think of any other girl besides you. This touches your heart and all of a sudden you want him back, but you can't trust him anymore. What should you do? Should you take him back? Should you leave him drowning in his own regret?
This is what happens.
You take the boy back. His Facebook comment touched your heart and you can't imagine going another day without him. You forget everything bad he has done and go back to you and him because you love him.
This is what I believe should have happened and why the girl took the boy back.
Obviously, you would be crazy to take this boy back after everything he has done to you or you truly do love him. Most guys wouldn't confess their love for anything or anyone in public because of the fear of rejection (sad truth but it does happen).. It must mean that he only did it because he knew you would take him back and it would make him appear as the sensitive and sweet guy he wants you to believe. He could have really loved you. but the facts don't seem to add up. What should have happened, is that the girl rejects him on the Facebook. It could be private of for everyone to see. Then again, he could have done it because he is a sweet guy, but sweet guys don't cheat you and never say anything nice about you.
Okay, I hope this gave you some insight on the minds of boys. They are very complex but with technology growing daily we can to begin understanding the tricky minds of boys.
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