We have all been there before. Boys are a huge mystery to us girls. We don't know whether they like us, like us or just as friends. I will definitely get more into that whole signs of a boy liking you, but for right now, I'm going to tell you never before heard tricks on how to get a guy to like you.
1. If I want a guy to like me, I don't put on a show because I know he is watching. I be myself. I act natural. You gotta let the guy see how you are when you are with your friends even if it might be embarrassing because sooner or later, once you start dating, he is going to find out the truth about your weirdness (if you are weird). Be natural whenever your crush is around. Don't try to be something you're not.
2. Guys look for in girls what girls look for in guys. I personally want a guy that is funny, charming, and sweet. So I know, that a guy out there is looking for the same qualities in a girl. Keep that in mind.
3. Be confident. I'm sure that no girl wants a guy that is insecure so why would a guy want that in a girl? It makes sense to be confident. If you are one those people (like me) who are not really confident, then build up your confidence. Every morning at my old elementary school, the principal would say, "you are all beautiful, you are intelligent, and you should say this to yourself everyday because it is true." Her speech really made me feel a bit better about myself. Be confident or build up your confidence.
4. If you have never had a boyfriend before (like me, again) then don't be ashamed of it. Don't be scared of finding a boyfriend. What's the rush? You really don't have to date when you're in high school or middle school. I have met kids who are dating in the 3rd grade. What??!! Seriously, take the time that you're not dating to figure out what your want and expect in a relationship. You don't need to start dating because everyone else is. Screw everyone else! This is you we are talking about. Not them. It is okay to have never dated many guys (or girls) like the other kids. That is the other kids not you. Besides, guys love girls that have never dated before. It makes them feel special or something. (Boys are weird. It is best to try and ignore them until you need something.)
5. You don't have to be popular or outgoing to get a guy. Just be you. I have seen ugly girls (no offense) who have had tons of boyfriends before. What is their secret? They are themselves. In the end, guys choose what is on the inside. For example, there is two candy bars in the store. One has a beautiful wrapper while the other has a plain wrapper with just the name of the candy. The candy behind the beautiful wrapper is disgusting and repulsive. The candy inside the ugly wrapper is delicious, the best ever. Guys might start off with the pretty wrapper candy but they always go back to the ugly wrapper candy. Whether you're ugly or not, be genuine. It is what is on the inside that counts.
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