Thursday, June 13, 2013

Makeover Madness - Avril Lavigne

This is where we will show celebs who have changed over the years. We will show some of the changes they made to themselves. Sometimes there will be before and after pics. Okay, so today I am showing you how Avril Lavigne has changed over the years.

Avril was always known as the Punk Princess in the beginning of her career so when she changed from that to a girly girl, many people were confused and asking her why she was being a hypocrite. Anyways, I think the new and old Avril looked fabulous however she was dressed.

This is 2003 when Avril was just starting out. Notice the brown hair and boyish clothes which looked good and had a unique rebellious vibe.

This is her two years later. You can see now she has blonde hair. Still wearing balck but a bit more classy.

Two more years later and Avril now has pink hair. She was getting a lot of attention for one of her songs Girlfriend around this time.

Look at her two more years later. She had a successful fashion line and now perfume. She was literally on tip of the world. Once you become extremely famous, you start changing you looks. Round this time, Avril experimented with different colors in her hair.

It is now 2011 and the girl is still going strong with a new single titled Smile. You can see a difference in her appearance than like it was when she was first starting out.

It is now 2013 and you can see a major difference in her. She is no longer wearing the jeans and a tie. She has moved on to heels and skirts. No more brown boring hair. Half her head is shaven and it is blonde!

In the beginning of her career she told everyone that she didn't want to be the bubble gum pretty pop princess. She was going to be who she was, a skater. Things changed and now Avril has her own unique style that doesn't involve ripped jeans. Either way, Avril is a fashion inspiration.

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